Website ADA Compliance

website ada compliance keyboardADA compliance for websites is just as important ad compliance for physical buildings. Just as someone who uses a wheelchair must be given access to public buildings, your website must also be ADA compliant. It must be accessible to visitors who can’t see or hear as well as most. Your website needs to be logical to someone who uses a screen reader due to limited or no vision as well as present information properly to someone who can not hear well or is deaf.

Website ADA Compliance Requirements

Similar to specs for ramps, automated doors and other ADA compliance issues for buildings there are rules for website ADA compliance. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) from the W3C is available for all to read and better understand ADA compliance for websites. Unfortunately these regulations aren’t clear in all circumstances. It’s important to work with an ADA Consultant to make sure you understand all the rules and what needs to be updated on your website. Read our human version of the Website ADA Requirements for more information and practical steps you can take to get your website ADA compliance.

Compliance for Desktop Computers

Desktop computers typically have a large screen that present information mostly visually. Website visitors use a mouse and keyboard to do most of the navigation. However, if a visitor can not see they typically have to use only a keyboard to navigation and assistive technology such as a screen reader. If the information on your site doesn’t “tab” in a logical order it can be confusing for these visitors.

Compliance for Phones & Tablets

Tablets and phones have smaller screens than desktops and laptops typically. A website will commonly look different on this smaller screen. Just like desktops, information presented on tablets and phones needs to follow a logical order when using assitive technology. The big difference is in many cases there is no keyboard. This adds another layer of complexity when making your website ADA compliant.

Website ADA Compliance Check

There are several apps to help check your website ADA compliance, but none of them can catch everything. This is because there are several aspects of ADA compliance that need a real human to test. If you want to do this yourself, find a screen reader, close your eyes and try to navigate your website. You can also contact us for a free website ADA check where we can show you areas of your site that need to be corrected.