ADA Lawsuit

Have you received a lawsuit because your website isn’t ADA compliant? If not count yourself lucky because more and more businesses are getting sued because their lack of website ADA compliance. In 2018 there were nearly 2,500 ADA lawsuits filed against non compliant companies. That number is rising every day since.

ADA Lawsuit Cost

Depending on the size of your company an ADA lawsuit judgement could be upwards of $50,000 or more. That’s for each lawsuit. The cost of updating your site for ADA Compliance is much less. Depending on the complexity of your site, the number of templates (home page, contact page, category, product, checkout, etc) the cost to audit your site could be up to $15,000. The development needed to implement any necessary updates might be in the same range. We offer a free basic ADA audit by an ADA Consultant. We’ll give you a brief list of what’s in violation and recommendations on how to fix any problems.